Adai and Welcome to my web page. I have set-up this web page
for all my constituents and visitors of current issues involving
our community and the CNMI.
To my constituents, I am humbly gratified by your enduring support
and loyalty. Your confidence has sustained me in my two terms
in office, where I addressed issues and ideas which are important
to us.
My relentless pursuit of justice, excellence, and incorruptible
public service shall continue. My performance in the 10th
and 11th Legislatures is a record of aggressive endeavor towards
the improvement of education, health, development of youth programs
and facilities, homestead development, CIP funding, economic growth,
family values and unity, drug free, safe and clean environment,
community involvement and the preservation of our customs, language
and cultural heritage.
Please check back on a regular basis for current
issues and events.
Rosiky F. Camacho